
My would be business partners and I sat down to grill the opportunity provider to see if this investment was for us. 


It turned out to not be but the experience was one I’m glad I had. 


My partner was a lawyer and he had prepared questions around absolutely everything that could possibly go wrong and every little detail where the proposal was ambiguous. 


That’s the way a partnership works. 


What ever the opportunity or objective things move fast if you’re both in alignment and slow if you aren’t. 


And the greatest partnership have a fear setter and a vision setter. 


The human brain works the same way. 


There is a negative voice inside us. It tells us we aren’t good enough, that we can’t do it, to stay small, to back down, to capitulate to what ever is asked of us. 


And when we fight this part of the brain it goes into over drive and starts shouting louder. 


But it’s motives are pure. They are of protection and survival and maintained connection. 


And clarity and speed follow quickly when we allow this part of our brain the opportunity to speak and we offer reassurance. 

Ed Ley 

Ps I have 2 spaces for 1-2-1 clients, if you would like to get your brain working for you rather than against you send us a mail

Ed Ley