Setting Goals

I set sign posts 


What’s the difference? 


Goals are of themselves a statement of lack. 


An, I will be happy when... 


A request for the brain 🧠 to observe something that isn’t true... 


That I don’t already have everything I need. 


That re-enforcement of lack puts my brain into a state of threat. 


Sat in the wrong part of my brain to create new action. 


That is why new habits are difficult. 


Imagining telling a child that they aren’t good enough. Then ask them to step out of their comfort zone. 


Sign posts though


Sign posts that I will notice along a journey of living purposefully, joyfully and deeply from my values. 


People, opportunities and experiences just keep showing up quite expectedly. 


Growth is a side effect of who you are being. 


Being is the gateway to doing. 


My clients don’t step forward as a response to me. 


They step forward as a commitment to themselves. 



Ed Ley