Creating a Habit is the Easy Part

Our mammalian brain works constantly to make us fit in, conform, never change, be who other people expect us to be, and that is it’s job. 

The side effect of this is that now adults, we easily find ourselves playing a role or a character, that is expected of us. 

It is this old story, of who we are, that pulls us away from new habits we try to create, as we aim to create who we wish to become, while maintaining who we were in the eyes of others. 

Inevitably, it is the self protecting part of the brain that wins. 

The new habit is easy. 

What’s hard is clearing the way, for who you have now become. 

The old you wants to say, 

“I can’t” 
“No thank you” 
“I trying to be good” 

The new you says
”I don’t” 
“I do” 
“I am” 

... and has the story that follows. 

Transformation is not something you can tip toe into, it has to be a rational and emotional buy in. 

THEN the habit is easy. 

Until then it’s impossible, without removing social connection from your life. 

Ed Ley 

Ed Ley