Wired to Protect

There is an exact action, wired into the nervous system of every human.


When we touch something hot with our hand, our nervous system triggers a rapid withdrawal, high elbow drive and rotation. 


We have others, too; around our eyes, genitals, mouths, feet, as we are wired to most protect what is most important. 


Others are created across our lives, as incidents we perceive as threatening, create responses in us to protect us from them.


Those triggers can end up controlling our livea, as we mentally revisit them and live the unconsciously, live the beliefs they created. 


Some of them though I have found, I can mentally re-visit and become grateful to the moment, to bless those involved for a moment that I can credit with a shift in direction, I would otherwise not have had. 


Using my imagination to revisit those times and change the pain around it, has changed my present. 


The imagination has an incredible ability, to not only imagine ourselves a new future but change our view of the past, to something that can make us lighter today. 


Ed Ley 

Ed Ley