We Always Want More

Know that you'll always want more, it's human nature. But strive for more experiences, rather than more likes or things. 

Give the best of yourself to others but know that it's more likely to be your ear than your knowledge. 

Get angry, by all means, it'll show you what you don't want in your life. But also know that it's more likely pointing to the irrationality of your thinking and holding it will hurt you more than the object of your anger. 

Expect that life can be stressful but that those stressor are the product of a life that you created. 

Worry, but about each thing just once, that's enough to remind yourself. 

Constantly worrying is like going back to the same draw over and over, hoping that this time it'll hold your keys. 

Speak up, if you have something to share but know that silences don't need to be filled, they are where the best thinking happens. 

Be productive but know that busy and productive aren't the same thing. If the things you're doing aren't what you want to be doing, you're likely fulfilling someone else's dream. 

Don't pay attention to people who twist the meanings of words like passions and dreams, with the intent of teaching you to settle. 

They are right when they say hard work is our most leverage-able asset but it's only really possible, if you're joyful while investing the time. 

Write. Or speak frequently to people. People who will allow you to talk about what you believe and value, without telling you you're wrong. They are really the only way to expand or challenge your thinking. 

Hold close people who will point out your weaknesses or errors in thinking, when you ask it of them. Then have the courage to accept them or change them. 

Give your all of your attention to the things in your life you want more of, if you don't want something, why would you give it so much attention? 

Accept that your business, your income, your relationships, your health are all a product of your creation. If you don't take responsibility for all of it, you can't change any part of it. 

Forget about what's true or best. Experiment and explore, and taste, and enjoy, find what works for you. Almost everything we know to be true, will be proven wrong within the next 20 years, it always is. 

Don't take my word for anything, I just like writing down my thoughts. I have a very happy life but you and I don't even have the same definition, of what that means.

Ed Ley 

Ed Ley