Improving Relationships

I started working with clients on a 1-2-1 basis in 2004. 


It didn’t take long for me to realise that a primary ingredient in client relationships was getting on. 


Taking on a client I didn’t get along with, never went well. 


Taking on one I did, almost always turned out to be disproportionately rewarding, in enjoyment, new business and learning. 


Obviously, we all know what getting along looks like when we see it but what does it actually mean?


For me it means mutual admiration. 


With this realisation I created a system that, I believe not only helped my business and my life but also improved all of my relationships, even the more challenging ones. 


I started by looking at my clients. I have always been blessed with very successful clients, who have also been fun to spend time with. 


I wrote down a name and then simply wrote down what I admired about them, and what I had learned from them. 


This process seemed to bring the lessons to the front of mind, allowing me to apply them and in many cases adopt them. 


This was amazing for me but it got even more interesting.


After a period of doing this, I found myself naturally applying it to everyone I met. 


I then started applying it to those relationships, I found more challenging. 


Amazingly, I started appreciating these people more and connecting with them better. 


I hope you take something from this and are able to apply it in some way 


Ed Ley

PS: I’d love to hear how you get on, if you apply this - reach out

Ed Ley