Chase Criticism

We are wired to see criticism as a threat.  Our unconscious makes decisions in advance to help us to avoid criticism. 


We say yes, when we would be better served saying no. 


We hide our thoughts and ideas. 


We keep things quiet that should be shared. 


We prepare ourselves for defence and block our own progress. 




It is our unconscious drivers that cause our biggest problems, both for ourselves and inside companies.


And where there are unconscious drivers, there must be conscious systems. 


Personally, we can look often at where we feel most vulnerable to criticism and build more certainty, while also seeking criticism from a trusted source.


As companies we must acknowledge our wiring and create a framework of constructive criticism, for personal and business growth. 


Fear of criticism is a greater problem than criticism. 


Avoiding or fighting criticism is a greater problem than receiving it. 


Ed Ley

Ed Ley