Wired to Follow

We adopt the values, beliefs and habits of our tribes.

Studies show for example that obesity, stress and voting are contagious.

They are the sum of values, beliefs, habits and environment. 

If a crowd are gathered under a tree during an electrical storm we will most often join them even if we know it’s the most dangerous place to be.

We do the same during fires or plane crashes, we will even turn and face the back of a lift if everybody else does or watch an assault and not intervene if nobody else does.

This tendency is fine of course if wealth, health, relationships, parenting, home, adventure, fun, and fulfilment and what ever else you want from life are all delivering on the level you want them to. 

As Mark Twain once said though,

“When you find yourselves on the side of the majority it’s time to pause and reflect”

(It’s not clear if he was referring to Brexit) 

If life isn’t delivering in all areas then it’s an operating system problem.

Life transformation is rare because it’s rare to stop and re-define our values, principles, and beliefs. 

But to achieve what is rare we must do what is rare.

Ed Ley

Ed Ley